Working from nine to five doesn't seem to be helping my projects.
Part 1: The still imaginary scooter
After learning how2mill, I set out on machining one of the few components that didn't require the motor or battery (which I have yet to order): the fork!
I should learn how2CAD at some point too. |
After rough sketches and some trigy math in the comp book, I sadly discovered that If I were to set the axle in line with the handlebar shaft, I'd end up with a scooter nose-up. Not to worry though, as forward offset fork is here to the rescue! Combined with some derpy angle finagling by cutting away part of the rubber 'shock absorber,' I'd achieve a scooter that is both aesthetically and structurally sound. Well, aesthetically sound at least.
The resulting hunk of 1/4" thick aluminum resembled something slightly too angular for my taste, but as the first thing I've ever milled, I think it turned out ok.
Part 2: Derpy Coil lives!
Also known as "Long Hot," Derpy coil has finally come to life after scraping the secondary base feedback scheme.
Here's how the troubleshooting adventure went:
1. Coil is completed, run off a variac at low power. Nothing
2. Scoped across primary: looks legit. The primary waveform only goes to shit when it's running off of its own feedback.
3. Add turns to secondary base feedback CT and hope it doesn't reach saturation. Nothing.
4. Remove high-pass filter. Poopy sparks appear.
5. Feed the coil a 316kHz offset sine wave. Success! Kind of out of tune 2" long sparks appear.
6. Abort secondary base feedback, go to antenna: nothing.
7. Give up on this driver board and repopulate another one (without secondary base feedback junk attached).
8. ???
9. Success!
Here it is playing Solfegietto by CPE Bach. Spark performance isn't quite impressive as duty cycle was turned down to maintain note clarity. Modified oneTesla interrupter pulse widths were overlapping each other, which you'll notice when the really low notes start playing.
After Bayley reflashed the interrupter for true continuous wave output, several things happened:
Hot Long finally got hot and long.
Then the bridge blew after getting to ~140VDC.
The number of primary turns then grew to 27.
Then the bridge died again, but at ~200VDC.
Failure is probably due to transients - further testing will resume after TVS is added and primary current is scoped.
UPDATE: 8/18/2013
Long Hot will no longer endure CW abuse and will continue to live life happy at 75% duty cycle, occasionally pushing out the odd midi file.